Awareness to Change Counseling Services
Currently Treating Clients Coping With:
Currently Treating Clients Coping With:
Bipolar Disorder
Chronic Pain
Gambling addiction
Infertility/Pregnancy Loss
Pregnancy, Prenatal, Postpartum
Relationship Issues
Poor Self Esteem
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Addiction
Substance Abuse/Assault
Women's Issues
Chronic Medical/Pain Conditions
Mental Health Concerns
Mood Disorders
Note: Consulting services can be provided on a wide variety of topics that can be tailored to suit your organization or group's needs.
Please be advised:
Forms completion and letter requests available by therapist on a case by case basis after 6 sessions. Applicable fees may apply.
*Our therapists do not appear before the courts for any reason.
Please call us for assistance or more information at
Please call us for assistance or more information at
(610) 248-8257
(610) 248-8257